Sunday, December 9, 2012

Holiday or Business Travel? Don't Catch the Wrong Plane!

Pastor Lassman gave a rather clever sermon just before Advent, likening our earthly life to a wait in the airport.  Catch the correct flight and be blessed with eternal salvation and life in eternity with God.  Wander on the wrong plane and eternal damnation awaits.

This is the strong Christian message that even many who call themselves Christians do not want to accept... that there is a heaven and a hell, that our choices here on earth have eternal consequences for us.

The airport in this sermon is like life on earth in many ways, with people who want to help keep you secure, provide you with creature comforts and make sure that get on your correct flight.  But life is also full of scammers who want to misguide you, take advantage of you and distract you from your destiny with God.

Listen and read here.

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